Jumat, 13 Mei 2011


Posted by Jefri Bisgo Kurniawan on 22.39


1.   Conditional Sentences type I Probable condition.
Conditional Sentence Type I digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu hal yang mungkin atau tidak mungkin terjadi di waktu yang akan dating. Conditional type I di bentuk dengan If clause (dalam simple Present tense).

   If      +          Simple present, subject          +          Will     +          Bare Infinitive

If finish work early, I will play tennis.
If she has enough time will come to your house.
If you invite us, we will come to your wedding party.

2.   If + Simple Present + Modal Auxiliary (can,may,must,will).
Di gunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kemungkinan ( possibility ), izin ( permission ), kepastian (certainty).

If        +    Simple present, subject      +         Can,May,Must        +         Bare  infinitive

If he start new, he will arrive in time.                ( certain result )
If she start now, she may arrive in time.                        ( possibility )
If you are in a hurry, you can use my car.                     ( permission )
If their house is on fire, the may stay here.                    ( permission )
If you study hard now, you must be successful.            ( certain result )

3.   If + Should.
If should bias digunakan sebagai ganti If + simple present tense untuk menunjukan suatu yang lebih sopan atau lebih meragukan.

If should see him, I’ll ask him to ring you.
(=If I see him, I will ask him to ring you)
If you should see him, please give him this massage.
(=If you see him, please give him this massage)
If you should go out, please get me a magazine.
(=if you go out, please get me a magazine)

4.   Should + Subject + Bare Infinitive bias digunakan sebagai ganti If + Simple Present Tense.

Should he come here,tell him I am not in.
Should this machine fail to give satisfaction, we guarantee to refund the purchase.

5.   Imperative + and, main clause
           Imperative + and + clause bias digunakan sebagai ganti If clause dan digunakan untuk menunjukan komentar (comment), ancaman (threat), atau suatu permintaan (request).

-If he fails to pay, we will cut off the electricity.
(Fail to pay and we will cut off the electricity).
-If you don’t stop smoking, your condition will be worth.
(Stop smoking or your condition will be worst).

6.   Imperative + or, main Clause
Imperative + or/and + clause di gunakan sebagai ganti If clause dalam bentuk negative.

-If you don’t stop borrowing the money, you will be in trouble.
(Stop borrowing the money, or you will be introuble).
-If you don’t stop smoking, your condition will be worst.
(Stop smoking, or your condition will be worst).

7.   If …… not = unless
Unless bias digunakan untuk menggantikan If ….. not jika kita ingin menunjukan suatu pengecualian (exception). Unless lebih tegas dari if ….. not  dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu ancaman (threat).

If you do not invite me,I will not come to your house.
Unless you invite me, I will not come to your house.(except if you invite)

If you don’t change your mind I won’t help you.
Unless you change your mind, I won’t help you.(except if you change)

8.   If + Present tense bias diikuti inperative, should, dan must

If you see him tell him to call me.
If you are sick, you ought to be in bed.
If need any help, you may come to me again.
If you love your parents, you should respect them.

1.   Conditional sentences type II Improbable condition
           Conditional sentence type II digunakan untuk menunjukan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan fakata atau yang sesunggunya di waktu sekarang.

      If + Subject + simple past, subject + would/could/might + bare Infinitive

           If you had longer legs, you would be able to run faster.
           If she spoke English well, she would be accepted to work.
           If I had a spare ticket, I would give it to you.
           If I knew his address, I would send him the letter.

2.   Conditional sentence
            Juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu yang tidak kita harapkan terjadi diwaktu sekarang.

            If a robber came into my house, I would throw a stone at him.
            If  he chased me, I would ran away.
            If he wanted to kill me, I would report him to a police.

3.   If + were, would
           “Were” digunakan sebagai ganti “was” sesudah semua subjeck dan menunjukkan sesuatu yang lebih formal atau untuk menunjukkan suatu keraguan (doubt) dan untuk membayangkan sesuatu.
                        -If I were                                              - If we were
                        -If you were
                        -If she were                                          - If you were
                        - If he were
                        -If it were                                             - If they ware
      If I were sick, I would stay home today.
      If I were in your position, I would accept him as a new staff.
      If he were in Jakarta today, he would come to my house.

4.   If + simple past
           Bisa di ikuti might atau could untuk menunjukkan kepastian, kemungkinan, kemampuan, atau izin di masa lampau.
           If you tried again, you would succeed.                            ( certainty )
           If you tried again, you might succeed.                              ( possibility )
           If it stopped raining, we could go out.                             ( ability )


1.      Conditional sentences type III past Unreal/Impossible Condition
Conditioanal sentence type III digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu penyesalan (regret, dan lain-lain) tentang sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah terjadi lagi di waktu sekarang.

If + subject + past perfect, would/could/might + have + past participle

If you had gone by car, you would have arrived in bandung
If you had studied English seriously, you would have spoken English well.
If she had tried harder, she would have been successful.
If you had left early, you might have arrived there.

2.      If had been you/in your position
“If I had been you/in your position” digunakan untuk menunjukkan apa yang sudah akan kita lakukan jika kita berada dalam posisi orang lain.

If I hed been in your position, I would have accepted his offer.
If I had been Mary, I would have paid $ 200 for the television.
If I been in his position, I would not have quitted my job.
If I had been in her position, I would have accepted his offer of work.

3.      Past Unreal condition
Juga bias dinyatakan dengan menempatkan dengan menempatkan “had” di depan kalimat. Bentuk ini adalah yang paling lazim digunakan dalam conditional type III.

Had + subject + past participle, subject + would have + past participle

Had I know you were not there, I would not have come.
Had he found the right buyer, he would have sold the car.
Had he studied herder, he would have spoken fluently.
Had I met him at the airport, I would havegiven your letter.
Had know you didn’t bring your key, I would not have lockedthe door.


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